
Viser innlegg fra januar, 2014

Her er coveret til "The Dragon Leaves"

Endelig er det her! Coveret til "The Dragon Leaves" er ferdig. Bildet er tatt av Thomas O. Stenberg, designet har jeg selv laget. Håper du liker det!

Newspaper article - a translation

You can read a translation of an article about me at "The Dragon Leaves" blog. Please go here:

Author Bio - Updated

November 2014 - Author Bio I am a Norwegian woman, 40 years old. I published my first e-book "The Dragon Leaves" in the spring 2014.  I study climate change, history and philosophy in between my writing, and ”The Dragon Leaves” is a collection of vignettes inspired by my studies. One of the seeds for this work, “Waiting for winter,” was published in The 2013 Fall Digital Booklet of “Impluvium Studios”. Besides writing and studies, I work as a subsitute in a kindergarten.  I am currently working on my second book - a collection of short stories that I have given the working title "The Priestess of the Waterfall" You can buy "The Dragon Leaves" here You can also find me on facebook e-mail:

The manuscript is ready!

The first hilltop is covered with Dragon Leaves and the first manuscript of my collection of vignettes, “The Dragon Leaves”, is finished. Go for a walk in the woods, find the old pathway up the hills, and follow it up to the old hill forts. By the steep trail, you see the ground all covered with Dragon Leaves. Pause for a while, watch them, kneel and turn them. Read the stories of the people that once lived there, of their world view and their relationships to Nature. Read the poems of how they revered Women and Female properties in the world around them, and learn a lesson of why humans today create their own sorrows. This hill of poems and stories features a panoramic view into the past, including history, ecology, philosophy and religion. Throughout, these tales of an ancient culture reveals conflicts, greed, despair, but also a hope of love, harmony and peace as the Dragon is about to return. My hope is that someone would like to publish this work, please contact me if y...