
Viser innlegg fra 2014

The Dragon Leaves Countdown - 4 days to go - 40 % OFF

4 Days To Go My collection of vignettes "The Dragon Leaves" will be  discounted  on Amazon between 5th and 12th of December 2014. Buy the e-book  here It is possible to give the e-book as a gift by clicking on the  "give as a gift"  button on  the book's page on Amazon . Remember to register the receiver's e-mail address when prompted and not your own. Then you can schedule when the gift should be sent. If you don't have a reading device for e-books, or you're not sure if the receiver of your gift has one, you should know that  it is easy to get one for FREE by clicking on "send me the link" button on  the book's page on Amazon. xxx 48 pieces of short prose and poetry from the Norwegian poet Filidh Lochlannach is now available in e-book format. "The Dragon Leaves" is a collection of stand alone texts that tell an entire story if read together. Unpack the flashes of beautiful nature and wonderings of wha...

The Priestess of the Waterfall - Weekly Update - Never stop plotting!

  Yay! I've started plotting this week. It is really, really fun. I lost a few mornings due to beginning 7 am at work in the kindergarten. I therefore did'nt have the chance to exploit the mornings this week as much as I wanted to. Anyway, I now soon have two stories plotted, and I am over all very happy about it. Life happens in between the writing, and that is just how it has to be. Being an obscure, unknown author like me, doesn't really make you rich. I am very happy to have my job beside the writing, otherwise I think I would starve to death. I am happy to work with children. I think being surrounded by children, trying to tap into their world, sometimes actually managing to become a part of it, does good for a grown up's creative flow. Children are creative all the time through their play. They have no limitations, they are amazing small people that influence you to be a bit like them when you can. For instance, while you're writing stories. Sto...

A sample from "The Dragon Leaves"

            SAMPLE The Dragon Leaves By Filidh Lochlannach The Dragon Leaves Copyright: Hege Fossum Published: 2014 Publisher: Fossum Books All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in retrieval system, copied in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise transmitted without written permission from the publisher. You must not circulate this book in any format. This book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be resold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author. Cover design: Filidh Lochlannach Cover photo: Thomas O. Stenberg Find out about the author and her upcoming books online at Send her an e-mail:  hege_fossum@hotmail....

NOW!!! - The Dragon Leaves - 40 % OFF - give as a Christmas gift

NOW!!! My collection of vignettes "The Dragon Leaves" will be  discounted  on Amazon between 5th and 12th of December 2014. Buy the e-book  here It is possible to give the e-book as a gift by clicking on the  "give as a gift"  button on  the book's page on Amazon . Remember to register the receiver's e-mail address when prompted and not your own. Then you can schedule when the gift should be sent. If you don't have a reading device for e-books, or you're not sure if the receiver of your gift has one, you should know that  it is easy to get one for FREE by clicking on "send me the link" button on  the book's page on Amazon. xxx 48 pieces of short prose and poetry from the Norwegian poet Filidh Lochlannach is now available in e-book format. "The Dragon Leaves" is a collection of stand alone texts that tell an entire story if read together. Unpack the flashes of beautiful nature and wonderings of what happened when C...

The Priestess of the Waterfall - Weekly Update - The Outline is Ready

This week has been a busy week, but that is rather normal, so I guess everything is as it should be. I have been true to my routines and worked most mornings on my outline. Some interruptions have been inevitable, but I just kept going. One morning my cat offered me a great tit in exchange for some cat food, left my living room full of small feathers and death. Well, as a writer you have to cope with disturbances you didn't plan for, so I just kept unaffectedly writing. My son, Patrik, threw the bird out the door and swept the floors. You know, life must go on!   Winter is coming with it's sleepy and hibernating death in Nature and when I look out of my window now I see the beautiful white blanket of snow on the ground. I am so happy about it. The grey and cold weather that has been haunting us for weeks now has been so depressing. The snow isolates, and lightens up our lives. I hope we will have the snow for awhile, to make this darkest time of the year a little eas...

The Priestess of the Waterfalls - New Book in the Making

It is early Sunday morning and I have just fed my cat and started to seriously work with my new book. I am scribbling and scrabbling on a creative mindmap trying to tie up some of the loose ends in the strand. The only company I have right now is my huge mug of coffee to possibly sharpen up my brain while I listen to the buzzing sound of the old fridge I borrowed from great-granny, thank you great-granny :-) My own broke down the other day with lots of food inside. I am going to a competition in gymastics later this day. My son, Patrik 9 years old, is competing and showing brand new skills today on his floor exercise, we are all so excited to see him, and my job is to pack his bag, see through that he is well fed, dressed properly and ready to do his best. My new book will be a runner up for The Dragon Leaves , and will as the beforementioned be a collection of short pieces of prose, all linked up to form a whole story for those interested in pondering on that :), or just read eac...

The Dragon Leaves - Press release

The Dragon Leaves: Now on Amazon 48 pieces of short prose and poetry from the Norwegian poet Filidh Lochlannach is now available on Amazon in e-book format. "The Dragon Leaves" is a collection of stand alone texts that tell an entire story if read together. Unpack the flashes of beautiful nature and wonderings of what happened when Christianity suppressed Paganism, all wrapped up in a poet's paper. The e-book can be downloaded here: The Dragon Leaves xxx About "The Dragon Leaves" "Your book draws me in. It's like a mystery I know I will not solve, but it keeps me turning the page of my kindle all the same. I love entering your vivid world of poems and vignettes. You are such a confident traveller in this landscape and its shadows. I feel safe as I travel with you through the smoke and fire to learn and to forget so much!" - a reader's review  xx Go for a walk in the woods, find the old pathway up the hills, and follow it up to the...

Author FAQ

Where did you get the idea for this book? Hiking is one of my main interests besides writing books. I like to walk to places with a purpose of finding out about their own unique histories. I've found old buildings, farms, hill-forts, old trails in the mountains and much more on my journeys, and some questions always pop up in my head. "What imprints were made on this land that shaped it into what it is today?" and "Who did it?" and "Why?"  During my studies of nature philosophy I learnt how to get answers to these questions and I became very fascinated by the "Spirit of the Land" and the "Songs in the Wind". I had thought about putting it all down on paper for a long time. I had kept some kind of a messy journal mixed with historical research, old myths and my own experiences from my walking. Then I joined the "National Writing Month" in 2013, a contest where the participants are supposed to produce 50.000 words in a mont...

Under the Leaves 3 - Mother Earth - Father Sky

"Mother Earth and Father Sky" is an Indo-European concept. "Father Sky" is usually the father of a pantheon (all the Gods in a culture), and he is complementary to the "Mother Earth" who is the mother of all gods, a fertility goddess who is connected to the Earth where all life sprang from. The idea that the Earth is female and nurtures humans came from ancient cultures from the Middle East. We have to go back more than 10.000 years to trace the beginning of the worshipping of the Mother Earth. Has it always existed as long as this Earth has been a home for humans? The "Mother Earth" or "The Mother of Life" came into Hebrew as "Eve" that we all know from the Bible. In Norse mythology she is Jord (Mother of Thor), Hlodynn or Fjorgyn. The Irish Celtic "Great Mother" was called "Danu", while the Welsh Celts worshipped Don. You can trace their cultures by place-names, very often rivers, such as "Do...

Quotes from "The Dragon Leaves" - The King of Harts


Under the Leaves 2 - Jupiter - a planet and a god

Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system. He is entirely made up of gases and has a belt of at least 67 moons around his waist. He has a big red "eye" on his surface that can be seen from space that is a huge storm centre in his atmosphere. Jupiter plays an important gravitational role for us. He is actually holding our solar system together and the planets in the right place. His force is stopping asteroids and meteors from crashing into the Earth's surface, his gravitation pulls in most of them so they stay away from us. Jupiter is easy to spot in the night sky in the winter half of the year. He looks like a big, bright star, and he is almost always up there if you look closely. If you're not sure if it's him you have seen, you can check it up on different phone apps. I don't know who gave Jupiter his name, or why, but I can  understand why they did. Jupiter is the name of the Roman God of sky and thunder. Well it actually fits very well with the...

The Past meets the Present - a quote from "The Dragon Leaves"

From the brand new collection of vignettes "The Dragon Leaves".  I am currently working on the Norwegian translation of this book and researching a runner up with the working title "The Priestess of the Water Fall"

Under the Leaves 1 - Filidh

"Filidh" is a Scots-Gaelic word deriving from proto-Celtic and meaning "seer" or "seeing". There is reason to believe that the "Filidhs" were people who worked in society as prophetic poets and philosophers who foretold the future in verses and riddles, rather than in simple poetry. The word could also be written like this: "file".  The Filidhs kept the oral traditions of the pre-Christian Ireland alive. Telling stories by verses accompanied by music would make people better understand and remember the messages they wanted to get through.Their deeds were not only meant to entertain but also to teach.  Another group of poets was called bards, and the Norse culture had a similar function called "skalder". Snorri Sturlusson became the most famous among them for writing his "Edda".  Many of the filidh's manuscripts have survived and can tell us something about druids, Celtic religion and the Celtic wor...

Now available on Amazon

THE DRAGON LEAVES now available on  Amazon For all the facebookers: You can now follow my brand new author page  here Read more...

GodBok! - MIdTANIA, Mytania: BERGEN, menneskehetens tilfluktssted av Bernard AFFLATET

Jeg vil bare dele en skikkelig god bok-opplevelse jeg hadde her om dagen, da jeg kom over en bra bok av en, for meg ny forfatter, ved navn Bernard Afflatet. Hovedpersonen i boka har fått i oppdrag å reise ut i verdensrommet for å lete etter liv. Siden universet er så enormt stort, ja, uendelig, så virker ikke loven om tid på samme måte der ute. Chris Nolan (hovedpersonen) vil være borte svært lenge og verden vil se helt annerledes ut når han kommer tilbake, uten at hans kropp har blitt nevneverdig eldre. Når han kommer tilbake på Jorda, så er den øde. Menneskeheten er tilsynelatende utslettet. Han reiser rundt i fartøyet sitt og til slutt finner han et sted hvor han treffer folk. Han kommer til Bergen; menneskehetens tilfluktssted. Boka er drivende godt skrevet, vanskelig å legge fra seg og inneholder høyst aktuelle temaer i dag, til tross for at det er en science fiction-bok. I "The Dragon Leaves" fant menneskene tilflukt på Filefjell, Afflatet har plassert de i Berg...

Oppdatering - Research til ny bok er i gang

For tiden er jeg i kontraktsforhandlinger om "The Dragon Leaves". Det blir spennende å se hva som kommer ut av det, og i mellomtiden driver jeg research til en ny bok. Tittelen er ikke klar ennå, men jeg regner med at det blir nok en samling med  vignetter. Jeg har ikke skrinlagt idèen om å gi ut "The Dragon Leaves" i romanform, det er bare lagt litt på vent, siden jeg er så dratt mot vignetter om dagen. Jeg kjenner at jeg må følge den tråden som jeg har foran meg akkurat nå, men i edderkoppnettet finnes mange tråder og de møtes alle et sted, så her er det mange veier å gå etter hvert. Jeg går nå et halvårskurs i regi av Kvinneakademiet, hvor vi lærer masse om Gudinnens rolle i historien. Det er kjempespennede, inspirerende og er en fantastisk kilde til det som jeg ser for meg at skal bli et verk om den store gudinnen. En samling tekster om den sovende Tornerose. Mon tro om det ikke snart har gått hundre år? Trolltreets tvinnende turuer Røttenes regnbuef...

Her er coveret til "The Dragon Leaves"

Endelig er det her! Coveret til "The Dragon Leaves" er ferdig. Bildet er tatt av Thomas O. Stenberg, designet har jeg selv laget. Håper du liker det!

Newspaper article - a translation

You can read a translation of an article about me at "The Dragon Leaves" blog. Please go here:

Author Bio - Updated

November 2014 - Author Bio I am a Norwegian woman, 40 years old. I published my first e-book "The Dragon Leaves" in the spring 2014.  I study climate change, history and philosophy in between my writing, and ”The Dragon Leaves” is a collection of vignettes inspired by my studies. One of the seeds for this work, “Waiting for winter,” was published in The 2013 Fall Digital Booklet of “Impluvium Studios”. Besides writing and studies, I work as a subsitute in a kindergarten.  I am currently working on my second book - a collection of short stories that I have given the working title "The Priestess of the Waterfall" You can buy "The Dragon Leaves" here You can also find me on facebook e-mail:

The manuscript is ready!

The first hilltop is covered with Dragon Leaves and the first manuscript of my collection of vignettes, “The Dragon Leaves”, is finished. Go for a walk in the woods, find the old pathway up the hills, and follow it up to the old hill forts. By the steep trail, you see the ground all covered with Dragon Leaves. Pause for a while, watch them, kneel and turn them. Read the stories of the people that once lived there, of their world view and their relationships to Nature. Read the poems of how they revered Women and Female properties in the world around them, and learn a lesson of why humans today create their own sorrows. This hill of poems and stories features a panoramic view into the past, including history, ecology, philosophy and religion. Throughout, these tales of an ancient culture reveals conflicts, greed, despair, but also a hope of love, harmony and peace as the Dragon is about to return. My hope is that someone would like to publish this work, please contact me if y...